Whether the teachings of Jesus are practical or not? Which organ committed the crime and which organ should be punished? What is living like eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven? | యేసు బోధనలు ఆచరణ సాధ్యమా కాదా? నేరము ఏ అవయవానిది? శిక్ష ఏ అవయవానికి? పరలోకరాజ్యము నిమిత్తము నపుంసకత్వము అనగా ఏమిటి?

Audio Message of Whether the teachings of Jesus are practical or not? Which organ committed the crime and which organ should be punished? What is living like eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven? | యేసు బోధనలు ఆచరణ సాధ్యమా కాదా? నేరము ఏ అవయవానిది? శిక్ష ఏ అవయవానికి? పరలోకరాజ్యము నిమిత్తము నపుంసకత్వము అనగా ఏమిటి? ఆడియో సందేశము

About Our Ministry

Welcome to the webpage to find the Word of God preached by Brother Mani Kumar. You can find our video sermons in their entirety on our YouTube channel, CHRIST CHURCH ASIA. Listen to these messages till the end. If possible, while listening to our sermons, we request you to keep the Holy Bible in your hand to examine what we have presented to you. If you find these videos helpful in your spiritual growth, introduce them to as many people as you can. Every day we publish the latest and necessary content on this website as well as on our YouTube channel. We hope you will regularly learn God’s wisdom through these videos and gain spiritual benefits from this ministry. We hope you get an answer in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Importance of Spiritual Strength

Our ministry is meant to spiritually educate and empower the people. Many people around us are suffering because of their lack of spiritual understanding. Spiritually weak people are more inclined towards antisocial activities. Spiritual weakness refers to a lack of spiritual power in God, which manifests as a lack of spiritual progress, instability, or immaturity. A spiritually weak person is unstable in many respects and lacks enthusiasm for God. At SuTotal, we are spiritually alert to resist the wiles of the wicked. We are specially trained by the Spirit of God to overcome the wiles of Satan. by proclaiming the Word of God everyday with latest and necessary content to the society, we are helping our viewers to be more strengthen spiritually. So, learn more about what spiritual weakness is, the many types of spiritual weakness, and how to overcome it.

What Is Spiritual Weakness?

Spiritual weakness means insufficient spiritual strength and inability to satisfy God the Father due to spiritual immaturity. Satan wants us to deviate from God’s way. He separates us from God’s divine path by enticing us with worldly hopes. Whereas, if we follow the God’s holy words, we can be saved from this spiritual weakness and be strengthened, we can have a happy life in God.

How to overcome your spiritual weakness

The hardest part is to identify what it is that keeps you from bringing your heart under the authority of the word of God. The easiest way to do this is to ask yourself why. “Why don’t I want to pray?” It might take a few minutes of reflection to work out what it is. Once you’ve identified this spiritual weakness, the next step is simple but difficult. Confess that to the Lord as sin (1 John 1:9).

When we recognize spiritual weakness for what it is and submit it to God as sin, it breaks the power of that sin, and we can re-engage with the Lord. This re-engagement is not because we’ve now got it all together, but because of the kindness, mercy, and faithfulness of God through Jesus Christ to forgive us for even these simple sins, transform our desires and lead us back to Himself. When you’ve confessed, thank the Lord for his mercy and forgiveness to you. Thanksgiving is the Lord’s will for you (1 Thess 5:18). Now you are free to bring yourself fully under the authority of the word of God.

Spirituality is important in Christianity because it is how one embodies faithful allegiance to Jesus’ presence and teaching. Christians are called to live in a profound, radical, transformative, and interactive relationship with God. Spiritual maturity is a priority for every Christian, as it is important in how they serve God, interact with other people, and take care of their families.

Teachings of Jesus Christ

The first four books of the New Testament called the Gospels or “good news” tell us the most significant stories of the Bible and historical facts- the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus Christ. The four Gospels namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are written from different and unique perspectives. Nevertheless, the teachings and life of Jesus depicted in each Gospel supports and complements each other. It gives us an overall and complete picture of Christ’s life and his characteristics as a teacher. Jesus ministered on earth for about three years. And in those years, multitudes went to listen, follow, and learn from him whenever and wherever he ministered. These teachings cover the most important subjects in life. It influenced and changed millions of lives; still remaining powerful today despite the 2,000-year gap after Christ’s death and resurrection. 

If the teachings of Jesus survived for more than two thousand years and its influence stays the same, it means the wisdom of these teachings remains to be the greatest in history. With Christ’s numerous topics from sermons to parables, it is difficult to choose what His primary teachings are. Besides, all the teachings of Jesus matter, for they impact lives in the past, present, and will continue to do so in the future.  His lessons in his ministry are all profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The core teachings of Jesus summarized here focuses on the instructions of Jesus while He was on earth.

Five Things to Know About the First Century Church

Many Christians today look back to the church of the first century, the church we find in Acts and the letters of Paul, as the model to emulate. Some denominations aim to be “restorationist,” that is they seek to restore the purity of that early church.

Whether or not that should be the aim of the modern church, to even consider it requires some knowledge of the first century church. Here are five things that you should know about that early church.

First Point

The central doctrine seems to be the resurrection of Jesus. Some skeptics argue that the resurrection was something that developed over a period of time. However, the textual evidence suggests that a belief that Jesus return to life after his crucifixion was there from the very beginning.

Second Point

The Scriptures that the early church used were what Christians call the Old Testament, probably in the form of the Septuagint. In addition, there were stories about Jesus that were authoritative. We do not know exactly when they were put in written form (See ). Paul’s letters also seem to have been copied and duplicated soon after his death.

Third Point

There was tremendous turmoil concerning the mixed ethnic makeup of the church, specifically between Jews and Gentiles. The earliest Jesus followers were Jewish. The question that caused the conflict was whether Gentiles had to convert to Judaism, taking on the Law with the sign of circumcision before becoming a Christian. Even after the Jerusalem council, which determined that Gentiles had direct access to Jesus, there were those who questioned the way in which Gentiles should become Christians. The Jewish part of the church probably began to diminish after the Jewish war of 67-70 AD.

Forth Point

There was some diversity of theology and practice within the early church. While not as diverse as the second century, when there were many sects, the lack of a central authority allowed for some differences of interpretation.

Fifth Point

Christianity was unique in the first century in that other (Gentile) religions were not exclusive. One could worship Zeus and Isis and the Emperor without any inherent problems. Only the Christians required full commitment to Jesus, tolerating no companions. This would bring them into conflict with their neighbours around the Roman Empire.

Whether the teachings of Jesus are practical or not? Which organ committed the crime and which organ should be punished? What is living like eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven? | యేసు బోధనలు ఆచరణ సాధ్యమా కాదా? నేరము ఏ అవయవానిది? శిక్ష ఏ అవయవానికి? పరలోకరాజ్యము నిమిత్తము నపుంసకత్వము అనగా ఏమిటి?

Program Name: Answers form God (ఉత్తరము)

Topic: Whether the teachings of Jesus are practical or not? Which organ committed the crime and which organ should be punished? What is living like eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven? | యేసు బోధనలు ఆచరణ సాధ్యమా కాదా? నేరము ఏ అవయవానిది? శిక్ష ఏ అవయవానికి? పరలోకరాజ్యము నిమిత్తము నపుంసకత్వము అనగా ఏమిటి?

Date: 24/09/2024

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