We Pledge That..
Heavenly Pledge in English
- God is my Father and Heaven is my country.
- My Eternal citizenship is in Heaven, which I always remember.
- All people in this world are my brothers and sisters.
- I always respect to my God, parents, and elders.
- I detest caste discrimination; untouchability and I love not only those who love me but also my enemies.
- I protect our environment and have grace for the animals and birds.
- I detest lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of this life. I do good works with my body which is given by my God. I wish my limbs were only utilized as the instruments of righteousness.
- I will fight all my life like a soldier, with the sword of God’s Holy Word, to save the innocent people from the wiles of devil.
- I pledge that I love my god, put on the savior Jesus Christ, and live according to the justice with the help of holy spirit.
- God’s happiness is my principium of happiness and cause to the tranquility of the universe.
Practice this Pledge in your Life
I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s holy word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart so I might not sin against God.

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